Mixed Reality By CARAC

我々の提供する「 複合現実感 」Mixed Reality では、「物理的な世界」と「デジタルの世界」を組合わせた新空間のプラットフォームを皆様へ提供させて頂きます。
"Mixed Reality," which we offer, provides a new spatial platform that combines the "physical world" and the "digital world.
Our synergistic platform of "Live Streaming", "NFT" and "Game" can allow people to connect with each other through the "fusion of reality and digital", deepening relationships and passion throughout their lives.
Continuing to provide new services that fuse the real and the digital, building evolution through the metaverse, using chains that are managed and secured on the blockchain, and taking advantage of the specificity of cryptocurrencies and real money, these are the concepts of this project and the technologies of creating new spaces.
Our large-scale projects are composed of the following projects by our team members.
Mixed Reality
Project >1
当Projectメタ空間は「現実空間」と「仮想空間」を紐づけたMixed Reality としてユーザーに提供出来る事で一歩先行くメタ空間の構築となります。
The meta-space of this project will be a step forward in the construction of meta-space by providing users with a mixed reality that links "real space" and "virtual space".
Live Stream
Project >2
The Project incorporates live streaming into the meta-space, creating a "virtual + reality" mix space that no other company can match.
In the live streaming, you can interact with the distributors by giving gifts and sending comments.
Project >3
The Project will distribute "video" and "movie" content on demand.
We will deliver original contents such as Spacha Live & music videos and concert videos.
Team Member

Project manager, Mr. Ten
「 Mixed Reality 」の実現化を CARAC 事業にて構築中!
He is the expert designing and building many systems built on the blockchain, and
He is currently matching many companies
and realizing Mixed Reality" in the CARAC business!

CEO Mr.Yosuke
日本国内をベースにRecycle事業を推進し日々環境問題と向き合いながら、世界のチャリティー活動を行っている日本の「 Singer 」
He is a Japanese “Singer" who promotes recycle business based in Japan, and conducts charity activities around the world while dealing with environmental issues

CMO Mr.Huru
「 20年で3,000社を超える実績!」
7月1日より Singer の Mr.Yosuke をバックアップする事でCARAC事業へ参入!
He is an analyst working in business development and else in the U.S., Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries.
「He has worked for more than 3,000 companies in the past 20 years!」
By backing up Singer Mr. Yosuke, we joined the CARAC business on July 1!

CSO, Ms. Ruu
現在、インターネット上で世界各国のProjectに参加しながら、Mr.Yosukeから熱いオファーを受け CARAC 事業へ参入!
In her 20's, Mr. Yosuke was a pioneer of the young generation on the Internet based in the United States and came into the limelight.
Currently, while participating in projects all over the world on the Internet, she entered the CARAC business with a passionate offer from Mr. Yosuke!